Hawai, el somni de la majoria dels IM's i triatletes en general ja té guanyadors el 2008. L'Eneko Llanos va pujant esglaons a poc a poc i ja s'ha situat segon aquest any!
Destacable també l'actuació de la Virginia Berasategui, sisena entre les noies. La primera crònica de la pàgina oficial és aquesta, vaig a seguir somiant una estoneta....
Alexander and Wellington win in Kona
Craig Alexander and Chrissie Wellington Claim Ford Ironman World Championship Victory
Published Sunday, October 12, 2008
Australia's Craig Alexander and Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington celebrated first-place titles at the 30th anniversary of the Ford Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Alexander, with an Ironman 70.3 World Championship title in addition to a second-place finish last year in Kona, crossed the line with a time of 8:17:45. Defending her current World Championship title, Wellington finished more than ten minutes ahead of her fellow competitors at 9:06:23.
Alexander dominated an impressive men’s field consisting of Ironman World Champions such as Chris McCormack, Normann Stadler, Faris Al-Sultan and other top contenders including Chris Lieto, Eneko Llanos, Torbjorn Sindballe, Cameron Brown and Rutger Beke. Alexander, among the top ten throughout the bike portion, further showcased his running prowess taking the lead at the turnaround.
Top ten results for the professional men’s race are as follows:
1. Craig Alexander, AUS 8:17:45
2. Eneko Burguera Llanos, ESP 8:20:50
3. Rutger Beke, BEL 8:21:23
4. Ronnie Schildknecht, SUI 8:21:46
5. Cameron Brown, NZL 8:26:17
6. Patrick Vernay, NCL 8:30:23
7. Andy Potts, USA 8:33:50
8. Mathias Hecht, SUI 8:34:02
9. Michael Lovato, USA 8:34:47
10. Eduardo Sturla, ARG 8:36:53
Despite mechanical trouble, Wellington took the women’s lead approximately 30 miles into the bike and eclipsed the current women’s run course record with a blistering marathon time of 2:57:44. Today’s third-place female, Sandra Wollenhorst, also broke the women’s run course record with a time of 2:58:35.
The top ten professional women’s results are as follows:
1. Chrissie Wellington, GBR 9:06:23
2. Yvonne Van Vlerken, NLD 9:21:20
3. Sandra Wallenhorst, DEU 9:22:52
4. Erika Csomor, HUN 9:24:49
5. Linsey Corbin, USA 9:28:51
6. Virginia Berasategui, ESP 9:29:15
7. Bella Comerford, GBR 9:34:08
8. Gina Ferguson, NZL 9:36:53
9. Gina Kehr, USA 9:37:06
10. Dede Griesbauer, USA 9:39:53
This year’s Timex Ironman Watch Bonuses, totaling $20,000, were awarded to:
Bike – Torbjorn Sindballe and Chrissie Wellington
Run – Normann Stadler and Chrissie Wellington
In addition to a highly competitive professional field, a variety of inspirational age group athletes competed including Major League Baseball veteran, Jeff Conine, with a time of 14:43:45, and Sean Swarner, a two-time cancer survivor with one lung, who crossed the line at 11:44:15. In addition, Keith Davids, Commanding Officer of Navy SEAL Team One, completed the event in 11:24:00.
The event saw 1,731 athletes officially start the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike and 26.2-mile run on the Big Island of Hawaii. NBC will air the 2008 Ford Ironman World Championship on December 13, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. Please check your local listings for specific details.
Craig Alexander and Chrissie Wellington Claim Ford Ironman World Championship Victory
Published Sunday, October 12, 2008
Australia's Craig Alexander and Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington celebrated first-place titles at the 30th anniversary of the Ford Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Alexander, with an Ironman 70.3 World Championship title in addition to a second-place finish last year in Kona, crossed the line with a time of 8:17:45. Defending her current World Championship title, Wellington finished more than ten minutes ahead of her fellow competitors at 9:06:23.
Alexander dominated an impressive men’s field consisting of Ironman World Champions such as Chris McCormack, Normann Stadler, Faris Al-Sultan and other top contenders including Chris Lieto, Eneko Llanos, Torbjorn Sindballe, Cameron Brown and Rutger Beke. Alexander, among the top ten throughout the bike portion, further showcased his running prowess taking the lead at the turnaround.
Top ten results for the professional men’s race are as follows:
1. Craig Alexander, AUS 8:17:45
2. Eneko Burguera Llanos, ESP 8:20:50
3. Rutger Beke, BEL 8:21:23
4. Ronnie Schildknecht, SUI 8:21:46
5. Cameron Brown, NZL 8:26:17
6. Patrick Vernay, NCL 8:30:23
7. Andy Potts, USA 8:33:50
8. Mathias Hecht, SUI 8:34:02
9. Michael Lovato, USA 8:34:47
10. Eduardo Sturla, ARG 8:36:53
Despite mechanical trouble, Wellington took the women’s lead approximately 30 miles into the bike and eclipsed the current women’s run course record with a blistering marathon time of 2:57:44. Today’s third-place female, Sandra Wollenhorst, also broke the women’s run course record with a time of 2:58:35.
The top ten professional women’s results are as follows:
1. Chrissie Wellington, GBR 9:06:23
2. Yvonne Van Vlerken, NLD 9:21:20
3. Sandra Wallenhorst, DEU 9:22:52
4. Erika Csomor, HUN 9:24:49
5. Linsey Corbin, USA 9:28:51
6. Virginia Berasategui, ESP 9:29:15
7. Bella Comerford, GBR 9:34:08
8. Gina Ferguson, NZL 9:36:53
9. Gina Kehr, USA 9:37:06
10. Dede Griesbauer, USA 9:39:53
This year’s Timex Ironman Watch Bonuses, totaling $20,000, were awarded to:
Bike – Torbjorn Sindballe and Chrissie Wellington
Run – Normann Stadler and Chrissie Wellington
In addition to a highly competitive professional field, a variety of inspirational age group athletes competed including Major League Baseball veteran, Jeff Conine, with a time of 14:43:45, and Sean Swarner, a two-time cancer survivor with one lung, who crossed the line at 11:44:15. In addition, Keith Davids, Commanding Officer of Navy SEAL Team One, completed the event in 11:24:00.
The event saw 1,731 athletes officially start the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike and 26.2-mile run on the Big Island of Hawaii. NBC will air the 2008 Ford Ironman World Championship on December 13, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. Please check your local listings for specific details.
10 comentaris:
La verdad que si.... Eneko ha demostrado que es un campeon!!! El año que viene gana. Saludos (muy buen blog). Nico
Gràcias por el comentario Nico! No se si Eneko ganará o no, però estar allí arriba tres años seguidos no está al alcance de cualquiera!!
Te apunto en mi lista de blogs y me paso por el tuyo en cuanto pueda!!
quins cronos tant els top-10 masculins com els femenins, a veure si algún any puc fer algun d'aquests registres....encara que sigui de dona...
Per fi!! Aquest matí he flipat quan a les notícies de TV3 han parlat i han sortit imatges de l´IM de Hawaï... Malauradament no han dit res de l´Eneko... Això sí, han deixat caure el fet del gran esforç i la poca compensació econòmica dels triatletes en comparació amb d´altres esports...
8hores davant l´ordinador, ufff!!! quina ressaca el Diumenge...
Peazo carrera d´eneko, que es confirma com un dels grans d´aquest esport. Liderant la prova en el sector de la cursa a peu fins el km25, que el va passar un tal Craig Alexander, com córrer el xaval...
Robert, jo ja em comformo en aconseguir baixar algun dia de les 10 hores, jejeje....
Sandra, vaig veure la forma de donar la notícia al TN de TV3d'ahir al migdia i em va indignar, el comentarista (Xavi Valls, que de futbol es veu que hi enten molt...)no s'havia preocupat ni d'informar-se sobre que és el triatló!!!! Lamentable!!!
Doncs si Josep, mola somiar....
Jordi, jo ja he tingut algun intercanvi de criteris, per dir-ho d´alguna manera, sobre el tema triatló. Molt poca gent enten el que suposen els entrenaments i la competició, ja sigui un sprint o un ironman, vagis a tope a de tranqui...Hi ha molta ignorància, és cert però és greu que tot un comentarista esportiu suposadament de primera fila no es documenti mínimament.
A mi em diuen que si estic boja, que com ho faig per entrenar amb les nenes, feina... Jo ja ha arribat un moment que em poso una mica "borde" i solc contestar... Saps, el sofà de casa meva gairebé ni em coneix!!!! A més, jo disfruto fent esport i crec que seguiré disfrutant sempre, sigui al nivell que sigui i fent l´esport que sigui...
La veritat és que aquet noi és impressionant. Només em cal donar-l'hi l'enhorabona.
Tu ho dius molt bé Sandra, el que compta és disfrutar a tope, i si és fent esport, millor!
Ironman-life, hi estic d'acord, de la mateixa manera que crec que tant de mèrit té ell per estar allà dalt com a bon professional, com la resta de triatletes que competim i acabem en qualsevol de les distàncies.
aupa ese eneko ,es impresionante !!! CHAPEAU !!! y virginia tela tio hacer ese pedazo de tiempo es de flipar tambien
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